If a tooth is decayed or damaged to such an extent that it is not possible to restore it with a standard filling, then an inlay or onlay can be used to restore the tooth.
What are inlays and onlays?
Inlays and onlays are made to fit into the shape of the part of the tooth that is damaged. Inlays fit into the grooved surface of the tooth and an onlay is moulded to cover the cusp of a tooth.
What does the treatment involve?
An impression will be taken to make a mould so that a precise restoration can be made that fits the damaged part of the tooth. A temporary filling will be put in place to protect the cavity from any further decay or damage and so that you do not experience any sensitivity.
The treatment typically takes two appointments with impressions taken at the first appointment for the creation of the restoration and preparation. This is followed by bonding on the inlay or onlay at the second appointment.
What materials are used?
Inlays and onlays are made from a variety of materials including hard-wearing composite, ceramic and gold.
What are the benefits?
- A good option for heavily broken down teeth
- Durable
- Protects the tooth
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